Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Using Science to Understand our World- Reversible and Irreversible Changes

In class we have been learning about matter. We have learned that all things can be classified into 5 states of matter: solids, liquids, gases, plasma and Bose-Einstein Condensates. All things are built of molecules, made up of atoms and bonds; we made some of these using marshmallows! Molecules can be tasty!

Now we are learning about physical and chemical changes. Physical changes are reversible. They occur when the change can be reversed because the molecules haven't actually been changed. Chemical changes happen the molecules are actually changed and the changes are irreversible.

Have a look at these two BBC School Science Clips to gain a better understanding!

When you have finished, add a comment to tell us what you have learned.


  1. very interesting, i wonder why the sand doesn't dissolve?
    It's also cool how the flour and coffee coluor the water!

  2. I thought that flour would dissolve, but obviously it doesn't.

  3. I think it's cool how the steam can reverse back to water.

  4. I didn't expect to see the flour colour the water and it was interesting to know at which temperatures physical and chemical changes take place.

  5. It's cool, first I thought the flour would dissolve, BUT it DIDN'T and it fun how we get to ply games.

  6. i founed out that when you melt water and salt together it turns back in to salt.


  7. I find it fun when you dissolve the different types of ingredients.I learned the revisable an irreversible changes ( even though i knew some.) I wonder what other games on the bbc site there is...

  8. I thought that both activity's were both quite interesting. I was shocked thats the flour didn't dissolve!

  9. It was interesting to see how you can evaporate water from steam and seeing what substances can change the color of the water in the breaker.

  10. I learnt that flour can't be disolved in water I always thought it could be


  11. i learnt what different sources dissolve or dont dissolve in water

  12. I did learn that water can not get hotter than 100 degrees.

  13. i learned that when salty water is evaporated only the salt is left

  14. I thought the quiz was hard but eventually got them all right. I learned a lot of cool stuff in it.


  15. I never knew water could turn into ice

  16. That was quite fun, especially the bit where the ice melts.


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